Blessings Gems, 

Happy NEW YEAR! Here to drop some jewels for you on this special MLK Day! Let us take a moment to EMBRACE the new monument that was established in Boston today! Long live the King and Queen! 

EMBRACE: Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King

Saafyr Status Update:

Healing my own heart, cherishing the past warm embraces. Praying with my angels to answer the core questions to my identities. Ascending into my divine goddess energy. I am exploring new approaches to my dreams. I am falling in love with myself. I am surrendering to love life as w h o l e. 

I am currently in a transitional stage in my career where I am letting go direct services for ASL Interpreting and Trauma centered creative work. That means goodbye SOS. The last 8 years has been centered in my pain and now I can let myself enjoy LOVE instead. 

It is a season of peeling back the tough shields and layers of unhealthy attachments. Now, in 2023, my year started with a new slate as SAAFYR, and I am just as curious as you may be. I am beyond grateful to have you all part of my life present moment. I DO NOT like asking for help, and I am NOW embracing the uncomfortable unknown in the request I need your help. How can you help?


Well, 2022 was a successful year as a freelance contractor. Now I am exploring where to offer my gifts for health and wellness. God is great and she has big plans. During this winter season, I am taking intentional time away from most social media sites to follow my spiritual guides. I am taking my passions to the next level. Please consider helping by engaging in my content or even making any monetary donation to help me launch my new career path.

PayPal Link for Donations

Your generosity helps me to show up in the world as an authentic Black Femme Lesbian creating spaces with art and wellness for other people like me. Thank you for your investment in these humble beginnings.

I am taking up space ALL 2023 as an Indigo Warrior.

Our vibe attracts our tribe!

Got some great things coming your way!

Check out my latest video on YouTube! Like, Share, Subscribe! 

"Go with the flow The highest expression of the energy of the 7 is its uncanny sense of flow and serendipity. In 2023, we are called to surrender to the unknown and embrace that which is out of our control. Developing trust is a worthy challenge in a 7 Universal Year—trust in the Universe, trust in flow, trust in self. We will make missteps, but we are here to learn from them. The 7 Universal Year supports us in taking a deep dive inward. In the process, we can take leaps in our spiritual growth and evolution—ones that will benefit humankind in the years ahead."



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